Escape game The Roze Museum: Heist

Company: Zero Hour Escape Rooms

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12800 Industrial Park Boulevard Suite #130 Minneapolis, MN 55441 ()


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At the same location


You live in a world of shadows. As a master thief you have no equal and no identity to the world. So, you are surprised to find a mysterious letter has made it’s way to you:
I am in need of a certain artifact for a personal project of mine. It’s being held at the Roze Museum, cracked into pieces. The parts on display, I can get to anytime. However, the last is in a hidden, secure safe. That’s the one I need you for.

It holds particular value to me, so I guarantee I will be your highest bidder. But I won’t wait forever. I’ve set some things in motion that will give you a small window of time to grab it and get out.

After an hour, I’ll assume you got caught or backed out.

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