Escape game The Gift

Company: Red Door Escape Room

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

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1901 Northwest Expy #2040A Oklahoma City, OK 73118 ()


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Red Door Escape Room

Rating: (1 review)


Side 1: You know that feeling when a special day is coming up and you wait until the very day, hour or even minute to pick up the gift? Well, here we are. 1 hour before your friend, Adam is supposed to meet with his fiancé for their 5 year anniversary. He just called you up and asked you to do him a big favor. You need to break into his uncle’s antique shop because he is out of town and Adam needs to prepare the rest of the night for his fiancée. (Don’t worry, he asked his uncle and he said it's okay.) Just be out of the antique shop and turn off the silent alarm within an hour before the police make their way over!

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